Catalyse is a virtual organisation without a centre or an office. It functions in an open and accountable way through face to face meetings, and also makes use of web-based and telephone conference resources.
Catalyse is overseen by an Executive Committee which meets regularly to agree direction and priorities. As of August 2021, Dawn Bennett and Sarah Littlejohn are the current joint Chairs. Dawn holds responsibility for Finance and Sarah for Strategy.
The Executive Committee co-ordinates a number of Catalyse activities, on which particular Executive members lead. These include:
- running the two year CAT Practitioner Training course (Dawn Bennett)
- co-ordinating and advising on recruitment for Practitioner Training (Sarah Littlejohn)
- co-ordinating Café CAT open meetings for the Catalyse community (currently vacant)
- overseeing the provision of Personal Reformulations (Jenny Marshall)
- planning and delivering CPD events (Jo Coggins)
- managing communications, including our website and social media activity (Rhona Brown)
Risk and governance issues are a priority for all members, and we are supported with these issues via annual review by one of our Non-Executive Directors, Frank Margison.
You can read about our Complaints Policy and procedures by visiting the page about this, or downloading a copy below.
Policy_on_Complaints.pdfWe are also supported in all aspects of our work by Cath Laverty, Frank Margison, Glenys Parry and Lawrence Welch in Non-Executive Director roles.
All of our activities are supported by Ex-Officio member Frances Free, Catalyse administrator.