I qualified as a clinical psychologist in 2007 and have worked in an NHS primary care Talking Therapies (previously IAPT) service since then.
After having used a mix of both CBT alongside more psychodynamic models for many years, I was very pleased to discover CAT. Training with Catalyse from 2015-17, I become an ACAT accredited practitioner. CAT offers me a robust, theory driven, integrated model that helps me to help others to make sense of their difficulties. In my current NHS role, I deliver CAT and other therapies. Additionally I provide consultation and supervision to staff working with clients with complex needs.
I am interested in the practical application of CAT in busy primary care settings: doing ‘good enough’ CAT with limited time. Also, working with narcissistic traits effectively and the impact of our own narcissism as therapists on the work. I am also interested in using experiential and dramatic tools such as role play and forum theatre in teaching and therapy.
I am now also an accredited CAT supervisor, plus a core trainer and cohort tutor for the Catalyse CAT Practitioner training course. As a member of the Catalyse Executive I also carry the role of CPD Lead. I have also provided introductory and skills level training in CAT to third sector organisations, and as part of a Clinical Health Psychology Masters course.