Cath Laverty

My professional background is in Community Mental Health Nursing. I have subsequently worked in Clinical Team Leadership and Senior Operational management in NHS mental health services. In addition to my substantive roles I have always looked for opportunities to make a difference. This led to my involvement with primary care trusts where I was a Nurse Board member from 2000-2004. I later completed a Masters degree in Health Services Management. This helped me to understand the wider context in which healthcare is delivered. Following a career break in which I was a full time carer for my parents, I took on the role of Non Executive Director at Pennine Care in 2018. This is an NHS mental health and learning disabilities trust. More recently I have become a consultant with the National Association for Primary Care, working to improve population health and reduce inequalities.

Within Catalyse I bring my wider organisational experience to support their work. As a non-therapist I bring a slightly different perspective which I hope is of value.