Tag Archives: Telephone Therapy

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Offering CAT by Telephone and Video Conferencing

The Coronavirus situation has brought about many changes, challenges and adaptations for us all.  These include how services are offering  psychological therapies, including cognitive analytic therapy (CAT).  We have seen sweeping changes to therapy practice.  In other circumstances these may not have happened or may have evolved over a much longer period.

As a group of trainers we’re aware that the current circumstances will have had an impact on our practitioner trainees.  They may have had to pause training therapies, or deliver them over telephone or video platforms.

In addition to guidance provided by ACAT to its trainee and qualified members, we also wanted to provide some guidance. Steve Kellett and Dawn Bennett have therefore developed a presentation – Offering CAT by telephone and video conferencing – some principles for CATs & CAT Practitioner trainees – which has been shared with our practitioner trainees and their supervisors.  It includes some considerations for remote working which are specific to the relational nature of the CAT model.  To date feedback has been encouraging, and we hope to build on it further.

We are offering it more widely and you are welcome to download a copy.  Please note the copy below is an updated version which has been developed further in response to feedback.  This version includes reflective exercises to aid learning and application in your own context.


Steve Kellett has also produced a version of the presentation with a commentary.  You can can watch this at the link below:


We would be very pleased to hear from you with any feedback or suggestions on how this could be developed further.

To share your feedback,  or to join our mailing list so you can stay informed of other Catalyse events and resources,  contact Catalyse through our administrator Frances Free, or by clicking on this link.