Tag Archives: narcissistic wounding

Black and white image of outstretched hand with grains of sand falling through the fingers

Embodiment Event Now Open to Bookings

Tim Sheard’s two day workshop on Embodiment, Relational Space and Working with Trauma to the Sense of Self is now open for bookings.  The workshop, which takes place on 30th and 31st May, builds on previous training he’s delivered elsewhere in the UK and Finland.  In it he aims to provide an embodied and theoretical exploration of our relational selves, narcissistic wounding to the sense of self, and how embodiment may reduce what he refers to as therapist burdening.  This can take the form of stress, tiredness, exhaustion, burnout and vicarious trauma.

Tim offers understanding of these as embodied manifestations of a “hidden but powerful type of collusive reciprocation”, often occuring in a context of complex developmental trauma. He notes “the therapeutic relationship takes place in an embodied relational field, not simply between two reflective “minds”……embodiment skills may render it more tangible”.   His position is that developing such awareness “may help clarify the kind of relational presence we offer as therapists” to people who have experienced significant early trauma.  He believes that learning and practising embodiment skills can help to support the development of therapist self care via “healthy self-to-self reciprocal roles to resource us in the therapy room”, with potential benefits for both therapist and client.

His article in the Summer 2017 issue of Reformulation provides a more detailed account of how his experiential workshops, involving over 200 therapists to date, have evolved over the last seven years.  It also provides more information about the kinds of areas he’s likely to cover over the two days.

He welcomes applications from CAT therapists at any level of pre- or post-qualification.  Other therapists working relationally with people who have experienced complex developmental trauma, and who are well-versed in key CAT concepts such as reciprocal roles, are also welcome to attend.

This event takes place in Manchester in the leafy surroundings of Chancellor’s Hotel, and we hope that a more typical spring will have arrived by the end of May so that participants can enjoy the grounds.  It is offered on a non-residential basis so those attending will need to arrange their own accommodation.  Tim wishes to keep the event quite small so that participants can gain the most from it.  If you’re keen to take advantage of his trip to the north, then we encourage you to book soon.   Full details are at the event page at this link.

To book on to this event please click here.  The hashtag for the workshop is #CATerst18