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Ripples on water caused by a falling drop, in a warm orange-yellow with blue contrast

Mapping the Dynamics of Care

If you’ve attended one of Katie Ackroyd and Stephen Kellett’s day workshops on Five Session Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC), you’ll know there’s been interest in a follow on day to bring together clinicians using this approach and other forms of CAC. Katie and Steve have designed a day for this very purpose, to support those who provide CAC in their settings. This will provide a specific focus on reciprocation in care settings and ways in which consultants’ own patterns and procedures may complicate working in this way. You’ll be with a peer group of others using CAT as a consultancy tool. Katie and Steve’s extensive experience in this area will guide you through presentations, reflective exercises and practice examples.

Read more about the day and book a place through the link at Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC) ~ Mapping the Dynamics of Care. It takes place on 6 September 2024 in Manchester. For those of you still on ‘X’, the event hashtag is #CATCAC24.