Category Archives: CPD

Our new normal? Technology-assisted CAT

On 20th October, online, Catalyse is offering a full CPD day on delivering Technology Assisted CAT.   Glenys Parry, Jo Varela, and Steve Kellett will share the day with Cal Nield. Cal leads the ACAT TAST special interest group. The trainers will bring a range of perspectives, and draw upon experience both before and since the current pandemic.

After Covid we shall move into an era where online and blended therapy is the ‘new normal’. This day will give new insights in how to use technology, both to deliver and support cognitive analytic therapy.  It will explore our relationships with technology, learn lessons from the research on blended therapy, and it will also launch the new CAT app.   

We hope you can join us there, on Zoom.

Read more at:

For those of you on Twitter, the event hashtag is #CATtacat20.