Have you subscribed to the first series of Catalyse CAT Training Films? Or has your training course arranged for you to access them like we do on the Catalyse Practitioner Training course? We would love to hear how you’ve found them now that they’ve been in circulation for nearly four years. We’ve therefore launched a second survey to gather feedback about the films, and supporting materials that accompany them, to help us evaluate their impact.
In fact there are two surveys. One is for trainers – for example if you’ve subscribed for any length of time (or if your Trust or course has subscribed) and used them as part of teaching or training you’ve conducted. This could include lectures, seminars, courses or other events.
Complete the Trainers’ survey here
The other is for those who have seen the films as learners. This would include you if you’ve subscribed as an individual for your own learning purposes, or if you’ve seen the films when shared by your course or service trainers as part of a learning experience.
Complete the Learners’ survey here
Each survey should just take a few minutes of your time. Both are anonymous, and we ask that you don’t leave personally identifying information.
If, as a trainer, you’re aware of any more learners who have viewed the films but may not hear about the survey, you can help us even more by sharing with them this invitation, or the pdf flier below.
Please visit one or other survey as soon as you like. We will close it and collate the final results at the end of September.
Many thanks – we look forward to reading your comments.
For more information about the first set of films, you can see the dedicated ‘CAT Training Films – Series 1′ page at this link.