Do you wish to apply to train with us as a Cognitive Analytic Therapy Practitioner in 2024? Then be aware that the course is now open to applications. The deadline this year falls on Friday 31st May, and interviews will be held on Friday 28th June. All the details you’ll need are available on the course page or in the downloads included there. You’ll find the page at this link: 2024 ~ 2026 Practitioner Training.
In addition to welcoming applications from those applying through the usual funding routes, 2024 is our second year as an approved provider delivering the NHS England (NHSE) national curriculum CAT Practitioner training. Those not seeking NHSE funding can apply at any time between now and the end of May.
If you are interested in applying through the NHS England (NHSE) funding route, you’ll need to observe a number of requirements and time points in the process
- You will meet the usual entry criteria for the course.
- You will have a role in community services with adults (including older adults) with complex relational problems and adverse childhood experience. Typically your client group will be likely to meet criteria for a diagnosis of ‘Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder.’
- Your NHS employer will be situated in the North West or Midlands areas.
- Your application must be supported by your employing NHS Trust’s Chief Psychological Professions Officer (CPPO) and/or have approval of your NHSE Workforce, Training & Education regional lead.
- Please note that central NHSE funding decisions will not be made until April 2024. We therefore cannot tell you as yet how many NHSE funded places are available for the 2024 intake. However we will post updates as soon as we can at the dedicated page for NHSE-funded applications. If you are interested in this route therefore please liaise after this date with your CPPO and/ or contact your NHSE Workforce, Training & Education regional lead.
We hope that the information we’ve provided through our pages and downloads answers all your queries at this early stage. As a small and busy organisation, our administrative team may not be able to respond to additional enquiries.
Finally you may be curious about the image we’ve used to on this blog and the course page. It represents a selection of comments shared by trainees from our 2021 intake on their last day of course teaching. The final two-day residential included reflection on ending the taught part of the course. You can see the whole wordcloud image below (with thanks all who gave permission for their feedback to be used to help promote the training.)
We look forward to receiving your applications by the end of May.