A white semi circle on a ground background with the wording 'YOU ARE HERE'

When and where are we and others on the map during CAT consultancy?

It’s less than a month now until Katie Ackroyd and Steve Kellett roll back into Manchester with their bespoke five-session CAT tools and experience. They are offering a follow-on day on Friday 6th September for CAT therapists using cognitive analytic consultancy in their settings and seeking space to update themselves on more recent developments in delivering this type of work.

As we know, as CAT therapists we ourselves are always ‘on the map’. This day will have a particular focus on how we may inadvertently bring our own unhelpful patterns to bear on consultancy work, and ways we can maintain awareness and responsiveness in managing this. Additionally the presenters will give space and practice opportunities for skills in managing complex presentations, both evident in individuals’ histories, and mirrored through care dyads and the complexities of stretched teams and systems. Steve and Katie have said:

We are providing a day in which people already familiar with this approach can be introduced to some new tools we developed to assist delivery. The day also serves as an introduction to those who are more planning to dip their toes in.  Feedback from previous days is that the approach of the day enables people to leave feeling that they’ve reflected and feel motivated.

They originally developed this day for an NHS Trust with a large CAT network, as a bespoke Catalyse CPD event. The CAT lead shared the following feedback:

This was a really helpful day – with space to reflect on what we bring to the dance when doing consultancy/5 session CAT work, discussion of the challenges faced (with opportunities to reflect on applications to our different service settings) and a chance for an update on key aspects of the model and techniques to manage dissociation and flashbacks. Both staff who have been doing this work for years and staff who are new to CAT consultancy reported finding the day helpful. Katie and Steve were generous in sharing new tools/questionnaires to aid the work. Many thanks.

So if you are interested in benefitting from this learning opportunity, there are still some spaces left for the September 6th event. You can book through this link – Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC) ~ Mapping the Dynamics of Care .