Forthcoming CPD Event

CAT and Eating Disorders
A one day workshop led by Dr Kathryn Pemberton, Cognitive Analytic Therapist and Clinical Psychologist
Event Hashtag: #CATED25
Date: Friday 21st March 2025
Time: 9.30 am to 4:30pm
Venue: Pauline Green Room, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS
Fees: ACAT member :: £130.00
non-ACAT member :: £145.00
Lunch and refreshments are included in the fee. [You or your employer can request to be invoiced. This incurs an additional £20 fee.]
Overview of workshop:
This day provides an opportunity to:
- Reflect on your own practice and relational aspects of working with people presenting with eating disordered behaviours
- Develop an understanding of how CAT can be used with such presentations
- Reflect on how other psychological skills / approaches can be used in conjunction with CAT
- Consider the central role of emotions in this client group
- Apply understanding of self-states, state shifts and the Multiple Self State Model (MSSM)
- Further develop skills in use of self with this client group, including managing enactments, countertransference and ruptures in the therapeutic relationship.
- Consider how risk issues may impact on/interact with process
- Apply CAT theory to the potential impact on teams, and team enactments that may result
- Meet and reflect with other people working in this area
All attendees will receive an attendance certificate following the event, for their CPD records.
Aims and learning outcomes:
An overarching aim of this day is to provide an opportunity for practitioners to be able to think creatively about how to use CAT with a client group with which it can be difficult to engage, from assessment to follow up sessions. It will provide space to think about both process and content, and to reflect on use of self in therapists’ clinical practice.
Participants can learn more about how CAT theory can be applied to teams, team dynamics and enactments with this client group, Practice opportunities on the day will aid them in enhancing mapping skills. Alongside one-to-one applications of CAT, there will also be space to discuss how CAT thinking can be applied to the wider team.
Who is it for?
This event is relevant for:
- CAT practitioners and CAT psychotherapists
- trainee CAT practitioners wanting to extend their knowledge with this particular client group
- individuals working in private practice with people expressing difficulty in their relationship with food
- other staff from specialist eating disorder services where CAT skills may be utilised.
Attendees without some level of CAT training will need to have at least a moderate working knowledge of cognitive analytic therapy to benefit from the day.
Dr Kathryn Pemberton is a Clinical Psychologist, CAT Practitioner and CAT supervisor. After over a decade working in the NHS as clinical lead in a community eating disorders service, using CAT as her dominant clinical approach, she now works in private practice. Passionate about the multiple possible applications of CAT, in recent years, Kathryn has increasingly devoted more time to supervision, training and consultancy alongside her one-to-one clinical work. She is currently a core trainer and tutor on the Catalyse CAT Practitioner course, and also teaches about CAT on the Lancaster Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.
Group Size
A maximum of twenty-five participants can attend this course.
Pauline Green Room, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS
Booking Information
We advise early booking to secure your place. You can join a waiting list once the day is fully subscribed, in case of cancellations.
For online booking, follow the link below. When you pay online, you will automatically receive a receipt. You can also request a receipt from the Catalyse administrator.
If you require invoicing, there is an additional charge of £20.00. Please contact the administrator to inform us that you intend to book. You may download the booking form by scrolling to the end of this page. (Please note that for invoiced applications, if payment is not received within 60 days of the invoice date, the delegate will be liable for payment of this fee.)
Terms and Conditions
Before proceeding to book and pay for this event, please ensure you read and understand our terms and conditions.