Welcome to Catalyse

  • Image of multiple colours splashing out to the right from a brain hemisphere on the left
    Forthcoming: Effective and Respectful CAT With Those Who Are Neurodivergent ~ 16 October 2024 ~ fully booked

Catalyse is a not-for-profit organisation promoting Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) and its benefits for people, communities and services, particularly in the public sector. We do this by supporting professionals in their learning about CAT through training and other forms of professional development. We also support services develop and enhance what they provide through the application of CAT ideas and approaches.

You can find out more about Catalyse in the following pages.  Discover how and why it was set up,  who is involved, and what we provide.  Learn more about Cognitive Analytic Therapy and why we think it’s worth promoting.  Get to know the main ideas behind CAT and how it developed.

Discover ways you can be involved with Catalyse.

Health Professionals

  • You can apply to train with us as a CAT Practitioner.  We accept applicants from a range of core professional backgrounds. Our two year programme of challenging but well-supported training is fully accredited by the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT)Since 2023 we are now also an NHS England (NHSE) approved CAT Practitioner training provider.
  • You can get a first hand flavour of what Cognitive Analytic Therapy is like through having your own Personal Reformulation Experience.  This can be provided as part of your own personal and professional development (for example linked to CAT skills or clinical psychology training).
  • By streaming our Cognitive Analytic Therapy CAT Training Films, you can develop your awareness and skills in CAT.  If you are a trainer, you can use these comprehensive materials to enrich your own training programmes and presentations.
  • You can learn more about Cognitive Analytic Therapy by attending our continuing professional development (CPD) eventsSome of these are suitable for professionals not already qualifed in CAT.  If you have already trained as a CAT therapist, our regular CPD events can help you maintain and develop CAT skills whilst fulfilling CPD requirements for professional accreditation (eg ACAT and HCPC).
  • You or your team can engage with a range of other training experiences to enhance the CAT skills within your services.

Service Leads, Managers & Commissioners

Members of the Public

  • You can learn more about Cognitive Analytic Therapy and stay informed about new developments.  Read our pages here and follow us on Twitter through @CatalyseC.
  • You can help shape our thinking, our training and other activities by adding your views and perspectives on CAT.
  • If you are looking for cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) for yourself of someone else, we do not currently provide this as a service.  However CAT is available through many NHS services and also privately.  You can find out more about CAT as a therapy, and how to access it, through the public engagement site run by ACAT, at https://www.engage.acat.org.uk