Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC): Mapping the Dynamics of Care ~ 6 September 2024

Past Catalyse Event

Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC) ~ Mapping the Dynamics of Care

A one day workshop led by Katie Ackroyd and Stephen Kellett

Event Hashtag: #CATCAC24

Date: Friday 6 September 2024
Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
Venue: St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ
Fees:  ACAT member :: £130.00
non-ACAT member :: £145.00

{Fee included lunch & refreshments. Invoicing incurred an additional £15 fee.]

Overview of workshop

This workshop was a follow-on day offered in response to demand from those who had previously completed Katie and Steve’s CPD event on the Five Session Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC) version of cognitive analytic therapy (CAT).

The skills-based day made use of CAT theory to help participants better understand:

  • reciprocation in the care system
  • the target problem procedures of the consultant
  • how and when to deliver CAC (and when not to)
  • how to deal with complexity, and
  • ways in which to enable fidelity to the CAC process while offering flexibility

The workshop offered a mix of approaches including teaching by the faciliators, self-reflective exercises, and opportunities for participants to practise on examples.

Feedback from the day

I learnt so much from this day. I loved that the content of the day was flexible in order to meet the needs of the group. I felt the pace really allowed for discussion and reflection. I appreciated the facilitators sharing their own clinical experiences and challenges, as it helped normalise the challenges I find in my work.”

Aims and learning outcomes

This follow-on day provided attendees with the chance to more deeply reflect on their practice and delivery of cognitive analytic consultancy in the NHS.  It aimed to help them think about their TPPs and unhelpful reciprocal roles when acting as consultants, and using the theory of CAT throughout.  The day therefore provided attendees with the opportunity to explore, understand and resolve how as consultants our own patterns can unfortunately get in the way during the consultancy at times.  It provided a safe context in which to see and further practise the key skills of cognitive analytic consultancy. 

The follow-on day was particularly useful for those wanting to name and reflect on the complexity that is evident in the dynamics of care in the system and how these dynamics then get mirrored and (hopefully) resolved in the dynamics of the consultancy.  It also therefore aimed to support creation of durable and helpful exits for the care system through enhanced application of CAT-informed consultancy skills.

Who was it for?

The day was designed in response to requests from those who previously attended an initial Catalyse CPD day on Five Session Cognitive Analytic Consultancy (CAC). That ran as an open event in March 2023 and February 2024, and Stephen and Katie have also delivered the day internally for NHS Trusts, on behalf of Catalyse. Anyone who has completed their previous day was therefore welcome to attend.

It may also have appealled to others with existing knowledge and experience in delivering CAC wanting an opportunity to reflect more deeply on the method alongside colleagues.

Please note: This workshop was not designed to qualify participants to practice cognitive analytic therapy or CAT formulation. Attendance was NOT a CAT qualification. Instead, the workshop aimed to build on knowledge and skills to enhance the existing skills of therapists within their existing scope of practice. Further training and support via supervision or personal therapy is always recommended when integrating new approaches into one’s existing work.


Dr Katie Ackroyd is a consultant clinical psychologist working in the NHS. She is a CAT practitioner and supervisor and regularly practices CAC in community services. She teaches CAC on various courses and has helped to develop the CAC evidence base.

Dr Stephen Kellett is a consultant clinical psychologist, CAT psychotherapist and supervisor. He has led many research initiatives in the CAT field, and was a past core trainer for Catalyse practitioner training. He currently works in the NHS in acute care. Stephen also teaches CAC on various courses and has helped to develop the CAC evidence base.

You can read a publication on five-session CAC, co-authored by Katie and Stephen, at this link.