Past CPD Event

Cognitive Analytic Therapy as a Tool for Leadership
A repeat one day online workshop led by David Harvey, Cognitive Analytic Therapist and Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Event Hashtag: #CATlead252
Date: Friday 7th February 2025
Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm
Online Event: via Zoom platform
Fees: ACAT member :: £130.00
non-ACAT member :: £145.00
[You or your employer can request to be invoiced. This incurs an additional £20 fee.]
Overview of workshop:
Due to popular demand and a fully booked event on 31 January, this was an additional repeat (sixth run) of David Harvey’s one day workshop on how CAT concepts can be usefully adapted and applied in a leadership context. David introduced participants to the CAT understanding of trauma using the Multiple Self States Model. He went on to apply this as a tool for leadership with systems and teams. Throughout the day he used cognitive analytic therapy ideas to conceptualise the overwhelming challenges that teams face when working with people with complex presentations and high levels of risk. Participants were able to explore and apply applications of this model to help guide action and leadership in such contexts.
The first time David ran this event in September 2020 was during lockdown. He was our first facilitator to deliver a CPD day online. In both online and in-person formats, his day has been consistently well received. He has gone on to deliver it several times over the last four years, both as an open event through our CPD programme and tailored for NHS Trusts. We hoped a repeat using an online format helps keep the day accessible.
All attendees receive an attendance certificate following the event, for their CPD records.
Aims and learning outcomes:
Participants had an opportunity to:
- consider how teams and systems respond to emotional and organisational pressures in ways that inadvertently mirror trauma responses
- explore how ‘traumatised system behaviour’ can disrupt effective team working, block pathways through services, delay discharge, impair coordinated care and threaten partnership and multi-agency working
- apply the CAT model of trauma to conceptualise these system problems, generate responses that minimise their impact, and so improve service user care and public protection
- consider how staff and team care can be enhanced by using this model.
Who was it for?
This event was relevant for all professionals tasked with leading or influencing other colleagues, teams or systems supporting service users with complex needs and/or high risks.
Some feedback from previous runs of this event:
“David was a lovely facilitator of the training, made me feel very comfortable and able to ask questions. He came across as very compassionate but also very knowledgeable about the topic. The training was a good mix of lecture, small group discussions, self-reflection and case studies. Found it all very valuable and relevant to my work.”
“David was a really engaging speaker who incorporated our examples & questions into the content really well. Relating leadership to working with traumatised teams was especially pertinent to my work & made the course very practically useful as well as being theoretically interesting. It was also a really useful opportunity to meet with others and not feel as isolated when hearing the experiences of others. Containing and inspiring.”
“True insight and expertise into the reality of the NHS, without trying to find magical solutions or just giving up. Very competently delivered, with a breadth of exercises from teaching, wide group discussion, and smaller group discussion.“
“One of the few teachings that recognises the reality of our day to day work, and proposes realistic strategies to support a traumatized system.”
David Harvey is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Cognitive Analytic Therapy Practitioner. He worked firstly in forensic inpatient and community services in Yorkshire. More recently he has been developing psychological services overseas. For over fifteen years he has worked in services supporting people with complex mental health needs, who may pose a risk of harm to others or themselves. This includes work with the NHS, Probation, Courts, Children’s Services and Prisons.
He has a particular interest in how effective working and proportionate risk management can become disrupted when professionals, services and organisations are managing their own powerful emotional reactions to the work. Such dynamics can arise through work with people with clinical presentations that can challenge services, such as those likely to attract diagnosis of ‘personality disorder’. David has become increasingly attracted to how the application of psychological theory, including CAT, outside of the therapy room may be one way in which the multiple and complex needs of many stakeholders can be considered and carefully balanced.
He has taught on these topics and also published associated chapters in the 2024 publications the Oxford Handbook Of Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Innovative Practice in Forensic Settings: A Cognitive Analytic Approach to Effective Relational Work.
Online platform
The event will be delivered over the Zoom platform. You will receive a link in the week commencing 3 February 2025. We provided pdfs of handouts for you to print for your own use.
Group Size
A maximum of twenty-five participants could attend this course.
Booking Information
This event was fully booked. You can contact us to join a waiting list, in case of interest in repeat events.
For invoiced booking
(Please note that If payment is not received within 60 days of the invoice date, the delegate will be liable for payment of this fee.)
Terms and Conditions
Before proceeding to book and pay for this event, please ensure you read and understand our terms and conditions.