In Conversation with Elizabeth Wilde McCormick ~ 16 February 2023

Past Catalyse Events

In Conversation with Elizabeth Wilde McCormick

A Personal Reflection on CAT’s Early Days

Event Hashtag: #CATConvEWM23

Please note this event has passed

Date: Thursday 16 February 2023
Time: 4.00 pm to 6.30 pm
Venue:  Online via Zoom
Fees:  ACAT member :: £30.00
non-ACAT member :: £35.00

Overview of this event

In this two-and-a -half hour online event, Elizabeth Wilde McCormick spoke about memories and reflections of working with Tony Ryle, and his influence on her work. She shared her sense of the formation of CAT as a model and how it has developed over the years. There was opportunity to ask questions, and discuss together our sense of where CAT is now.

Elizabeth invited participants to read Tony Ryle’s 1998 article ‘The whirligig of time’ in advance of the event (Ryle, A. (1998) . The whirligig of time. Psychiatric Bulletin, 22(4), 263-267. doi:10.1192/pb.22.4.263). This free Open Access article can be downloaded as a pdf from the following link – The whirligig of time | Psychiatric Bulletin | Cambridge Core

Please note, this event was not be recorded. However may be repeated at a later date if there is sufficient interest. 

Who was it for?

This event was open to all.


Elizabeth Wilde McCormick is a founder member of ACAT.  Before retiring in 2020 she worked as a psychotherapist in the NHS and private sectors for over forty years. She was also a supervisor and trainer.  She is the author of a number of books including the CAT self help book Change for the Better which has been in print since 1990 and had 5 editions.