Past Catalyse Events

Creating a Tapestry – Weaving Together EMDR and CAT
A one day workshop led by Mark Walker and Alison Jenaway
Event Hashtag #CATEMDR22
Date: Friday 21st October 2022 (postponed from June 2022)
Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm
Venue: St Thomas Centre GMCVO, Manchester M12 6FZ
Fees: ACAT member :: £125.00
non-ACAT member :: £140.00
Overview of workshop:
During this experiential day we aimed to explore the integration of CAT and EMDR, drawing on various strands of theory and practice. We shared our own ways of working with EMDR within a “CAT envelope”. We considered how CAT and EMDR can complement each other when working with complexity. Additionally, we reflected on how different reciprocal roles may emerge in the therapeutic relationship as we move between different ways of working.
As this CPD day was for those practising both models, we invited participants to share their own expertise with each other, regarding the pros and pitfalls of integration.
This day provided an opportunity to hear about these two experienced facilitators’ ways of integrating EMDR with CAT, with plenty of opportunity for experiential exercises to illustrate aspects of integration.
Aims and learning outcomes:
Via role plays and sharing, the workshop aimed to help participants develop their confidence in using EMDR with CAT. The emphasis was on integrating the two approaches, rather than doing two therapies consecutively. This in turn aimed to support more efficient use of session time, alongside attending to both technique and process. In particular the day explored the ‘how to’ in terms of:
- introducing ideas from EMDR early on in the reformulation phase
- creating safety and the use of positive resources
- managing hyper and hypo arousal
- selecting targets to work on
- using the CAT diagram for reflection throughout the work, and
- attending to reciprocal roles in the therapeutic relationship as different ways of working are introduced
Who was it for?
This event was relevant for therapists qualified in cognitive analytic therapy, having completed at least one level of EMDR training, and practising both models in their work.
Mark J Walker: I am a Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) therapist, trainer and senior supervisor and an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant. Over 33 years in practice I have gained a wide range of experience having worked in therapeutic communities, out-patient and secondary care psychotherapy services, CMHTs and private hospitals as a clinician and service manager.
I currently work part time in the NHS and partly in private practice, contributing to CAT and EMDR trainings across the UK. I offer private consultations, clinical supervision, training and therapy to individuals, groups and corporate organisations.
My interest in ‘integration’ and specifically bringing the body and spirituality into my work furthers my interest in current developments in neuroscience disciplines and body based therapies becoming more mainstream eg Yoga, Taichi, and Qigong.
Alison Jenaway: I am a CAT practitioner and supervisor and a past Chair of ACAT. I recently semi-retired from working as a consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy in the NHS. I used CAT initially with young people and their parents, and more recently with people with physical health problems within a liaison psychiatry service. On a voluntary basis, I still work for the NHS one day a week providing CAT supervision and reflective practice sessions for staff.
I frequently use Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) within my CAT work. Alongside a small private practice, I am currently half way through the IRRAPT CAT psychotherapy training.