ICATA is a federation of national associations formed in 2009, promoting training and supervision in the practice of cognitive analytic therapy. CAT is established and developing in many countries, including Australia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, India, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. ICATA looks forward to more countries joining,
ICATA aims to develop knowledge and use of Cognitive Analytic Therapy internationally; to support training and supervision internationally; and to oversee the national accreditation of programmes and procedures. It can provide advice and support to therapists interested in introducing CAT to their countries.
An executive is made up of two delegates from each member country with established or newly developing training programmes in CAT. They meet bi-monthly through a telephone conference.
ICATA holds international conferences every two years. It also publishes an International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Relational Mental Health. The first issue was published in March 2017. You can download copies of issues or individual papers by following this link – https://www.internationalcat.org/journals
Full details of the International Association can be found at http://www. internationalcat.org